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Vive ut vivas! no bonk required, Gladiator style!

January 29, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

******Russell Crowe flings his sword into the seats and stands defiant -"Are you not entertained!?"

That's how I feel. Well, that and a little sore.
24 miler. Goal was easier pace, held for 3+ hours. Never quite got that bonked sensation and held steady throughout. New experience for me -I was dreading 22 and beyond... guess all that crap about my diet lending toward a more efficient fat processing, preferentially over muscle glucose holds some water.

Feeling pretty good... right groin started to flare up towards the end. What is with that muscle and running?? Perhaps because my normal foot strike splays farther out on that side??

Ready for a rest week!

-almost ran Greenlake when I got home.. weird to think I would have PRed in the marathon today

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
24.0 Miles 3:16:00 8:09 / Mile Steady State Saucony C2