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Track Night

February 12, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Ended up with stiff hamstring after swimming?? Had 2.5 hours in between so I tried to eat smart but the recovery was too skimpy. Got to the track hungry. Pounded a gel and coconut water...

WARM-UP: 2 easy miles + 4x200 @7min mile pace with 200 jog in between

2x800 @ 2:45, 200m jog in between
1200 @ 7min mile pace
2x800 @ 2:40

actuals for 800s [2:48, 2:47, 2:40, 2:36]

1 mile slow recovery,
skimped on stretching at home... TIRED.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.25 Miles 1:15:00 10:20 / Mile Interval Saucony C2