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Hagg Lake Ultra

February 19, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Woke up EARLY (430), packed up and drove to PDX for the 2011 Hagg Lake Ultra. Way back when, I wanted to race this, but my achilles put the kibosh on that. Instead, I went up to knock out my "mandatory volunteering" hours. Nice drive to Newburg (right past Champoeg), then country roads to Hagg Lake, about 30 miles W of PDX. The roads were ICY and going was slow -- so much so, that when I arrived at the Lake for the race, many others were just arriving -- or would not arrive at all -- due to the conditions. Ice everywhere, including the first mile(s) of the course. Despite the ice, it was a PURE SUN day -- not a cloud in the sky, making for a beautiful day from start to finish.

From 745 to noon I helped out at the start/finish, doing odd jobs. Shortly past noon, my job was to "sweep" -- or bring up the caboose on the course, behind the last person, so that the aid stations can close. I started my run, excitedly, about 30min after last place slogged through. I was hoping I'd be able to run several miles before running into them.

The course was unbelievably muddy -- EPIC mud. Ridiculous mud -- ranging from a half inch to a legit half a foot. Of the 14 mile lake loop, at least 7 of it was pure mud, puddle and everything in between. Insanity.

I ran along for a good four miles until I hit last place, so then I turned around for a few minutes, and doubled back -- this would be the theme of the day, resulting in a good 17-18mi run in 2:30. I stopped at both aid stations for 5-10min and helped them pack up.

I ran all but the last 1.5 miles of the course, when I ran into the last place woman. By this time, I was tired and my heels sore, so I walked/waddled in, amongst the sea of mud.

Overall it was pretty fun, but I would've been frustrated if I raced -- NOT worth the money, that's for sure. The only downside for me: my R achilles got aggravated after yesterday's track workout.

Post-race: had a couple hot dogs ("Whatever's free..."), then walked back to my car and rinsed my legs off in the lake -- which were CAKED in mud.

Was gonna drive to PDX to hang w/Julie but she was busy, so I rolled down OR47/99 to Corvallis to hang w/Mike, et al. Nice day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.0 Miles