February 27, 2011 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
"Yes, I want to medal at the 3k in indoor."
-Me (Oct. 23 2010)
I'd hate to say I told you so...but I TOLD YOU SO.
3k. 3rd place. Podium. 8:46. PR. Fuck the UAA. Fuck my cross country season. It still pisses me off. I will never drop my grudge. Ever. It wasn't the fucking hokey pokey that got me 3rd today. It was hard work, determination, and the thought that every one of those runners that I beat in the 3k is someone that I would have beaten in Cross Country.
I did not take today for granted and I'm proud of that. I'm at another level, I always have been. If the UAA didn't know about me, now they should, and if they still don't know, then fuck em, I have 5000 more meters of ass kicking to deliver to them in the Spring, because I'm not afraid of them, I won't back down, and I am far from finished.
I just hung in there, and with 3 or 4 laps to go (I don't even remember) I decided it was me that was going to be the hero. I had a choice. I controlled my race. I made a move, put myself in position to score and realized something...what the hell makes these UAA chumps better than me? Why can't I beat them? Why can't I be the hero? WHAT IS SO DAMN SPECIAL ABOUT THE REST OF THE UAA THAT CASE CAN'T RUN WITH THEM? I couldn't come up with an answer. So I beat them.
Just because people tell you over and over again that you can't do something, or you're not supposed to, or you have no chance...you need to realize that they're just scared to be anything better than average. Some people might say that being afraid of failure is the worst thing...I say that being afraid of success is even worse. Saying I didn't have a chance was a lie, the moment I toed that line I had a chance. The same chance everyone else in that race had.
I pushed, I closed, I gave everything I had. I took my chance and capitalized.
Crossing that line was quite possibly the most satisfying feeling in my life, I just about broke down and cried.
Moral of the story:
I've been dicked over way too many times to know that if you get a chance, you take it. Period.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
6.0 Miles | Nimbus 12s "Caviar" |