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Runnin On Empty

March 2, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Windy

Sore as fuck pretty much all over from yesterday. Got a double blister on my right foot right on my arch thats been there for about a week, really starting to agitate me. Ran from school to Belair and back, felt absolutely horrible. Thank god Gene just sent us on a distance run, was supposed to be for an hour but since I did the warmup, I knew damn right well I was going for about half of that time and was done. Started to feel a little bit better for the last .75 or so, but just stopped anyways. Not a bad 50 second run for being so sore, about 5 meters shorter than yesterday. Hopefully feel better tomorrow for some speedwork. Might use the new trainers, worried about fuckng my hip up or getting a stress fracture. Got close to 700 miles on these right now. Mileage for the day worked out just about perfectly.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 54:31
3.0 Miles 24:01 8:00 / Mile Warmup Asics GT-2150
0.2 Miles 0:50 4:09 / Mile Speed Asics GT-2150
3.8 Miles 29:40 7:48 / Mile Recovery Asics GT-2150