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AU - (100, 300)x5

March 16, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 59, cloudy, still bit cool but way warmer than its been

jogged pretty much all the way there. not that its hard...
i got pretty nervous about the workout beforehand...i dunno, i guess i just didn't want to disappoint william. but it was all fine of course.
i got confused about the work out and thought that it was way longer, so didn't pace myself. all of a sudden we only had one 100-300 left! so obviously i sprinted those. would've gone way faster on the others if i'd known. didn't go slow, just not as fast as i should've.
overall easy workout.
have been having trouble with the push-ups. partly because of my wrist, partly because i'm not used to doing like 5 or whatever sets of 30-35 push-ups. only do like 3 sets of 15-20 in distance.

ran (not jogged, and definitely not walked) all the way back from AU. IT FELT AMAZING. i dunno why i was afraid to run there before, maybe it was my company...anyway, let me tell you, i'm never walking to/from AU again. i also saw that it helped my breathing, so hopefully that'll also open up my lungs more (been having trouble with that lately).
shoulders (and forearm) getting really really sore/tight again, so i need to losen up. being tense would make sense what with the nervousness from the work-out and having all these papers/tests.

i'm getting pretty excited about this season! adam levin also pumped me up a bit. i guess it just felt good to know someone else did what i'm doing, and can ask someone who knows from experience...can't remember everything he told me, but some key points:
-do sprinter's work out, but add on extra sets/shorter recoveries or something
for example 200 work out (forget how many he said, but 200
then rest for the same time it took to run that 200, then repeat
that over and over)
-extend cool-down (instead of 8min, make it 20 min)
-bring watch to track

today i told my dad my 800 time. he said, "you'll get it down. I know you will." no question marks. periods. the words speak for themselves.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.24 Miles 0:00
1.5 Miles Warmup Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
100.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
100.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
100.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
100.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
100.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
1.5 Miles Cooldown Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe