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March 30, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Back wasnt feeling too good this morning, but got better as the day went on which is a good sign! I went into practice telling myself I'd do the workout and not skipping because of the back, because spring break training was so good. The back is ineviteibly going to be sore and iffy for a few days, so as long as I'm not lifting, pulling or doing anything that will mess directly with the stitches, I would try to definitely do it well.

Jog to Norwood then 4 short strides. I was pretty excited for 16, because these high repitition workouts really give a chance to work on form and power/speed (which I know I lack as a pure-bread distance runner =)). Definitely the lifting the knees drills from earlier in the season payed off today. Also, the high repitition workouts give a lot opportunity for mental work too. Difference in going into the 11th one, acknowledging I'm tired but still focused rather than going through the motions to get through the interval (which I probably did 2 years ago). I liked this workout, I felt strong, and although in no way am I fast, I still felt really good and I was able to go. Is it possible adreneline rushes to the back =)? Jog back to school was slow but nice. clams and leg strengthening after!

Julia said we ran 43 minutes without the intervals, so I'll just put the 43! please excuse the ramblings =)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
43:00   Nike Zoom Vomero 5