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April 4, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ahhh finally warm! 85 and sunny/humid

been looking forward to this run for so long! we nearly missed the cherry trees - they were just past peak, the green leaves just starting to reveal themselves, but still beautiful....
when we got to kenwood, i branched off by myself, which didn't make marisa very happy because she felt it was her responsibility as captain to keep everyone together...but i just couldn't take the tension anymore. i finally got my cherry blossom run, and i was going to enjoy it.
so i took a mellow pace, not able to enjoy my surroundings at first due to conflicting thoughts...then i heard footsteps behind me (running steps) and got freaked out that it was - well, anyway, it wasn't who i thought it was - it was anthony! i was so relieved, and it was good to see a friendly face.
then i couldn't help but to pass by my house. after getting a drink from the hose, feeling adequately refreshed, i turned around - surprised to find the girls team running my way. i awkwardly had to pass them, and then i was finally free.
free to think my own thoughts and be me. i was finally able to look up and appreciate the cherry blossoms. as i became more confident, i quickened my pace and turned my thoughts away from inner-turmoil to the pedestrians. i nearly truly enjoyed myself, enjoyed the loneliness - until i remembered why i'd decided to run on my own in the first place. but i suppose i needed that run, to remember who i was. i made the right choice in training with the sprinters this season.
i probably ran too long. no, i definitely ran too long. not only am i racing tomorrow, but i don't have the distance training to run that long. but i had no watch on, and i didn't feel like making the dreadful decision to turn back when i probably should. so i just run until i felt like going back to reality.

despite some depressing thoughts lingering in my head, i'm not going to let this spiral downward this time. i'm going to get on that bus ready to race tomorrow. confident. me. although i'm not in the 800 tomorrow, i'm still going to get on that bus tomorrow and run a damn good 400 and 200. i'm just gunna be me.
(wow, i just realized how cheesy this sounds...)