April 1, 2011 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Nice day today. WARM.
Ran 3.5 with Jeff from work, then drove home and mounted up for a long run. Ran south Eugene (stopping to pay rent); deciding against any big hills/trail and instead running the Eugene marathon course and maybe checking out the bar we're going to for Meghan's bday party.
Felt SHITTY to begin with -- slow and tired -- but gradually came around abit.
Drank 2.5 bottles (about 2 of which were Nuun/Hammer), prior to getting to campus, then filled again at Holiday Inn. Then started running "The Long Lonely Road of Loneliness" - Franklin Ave/Main St Springfield.
Felt OK until I got to about 12th Ave in SPFD and I felt like I was bonking. By then it was HOT. So I stopped into the Grocery Outlet to get something. While in there I overheard a sweet quote from one of SPFD's "finest", some woman bitching to her "s.o.":
"Sorry I'm fucking PREGNANT and just got four teeth pulled!"
HA! That made my run.
Refilled the bottle again (+Nuun?) and kept going. I had a "Big Texas" cinnamon roll and at first I felt better, then gut rot. Then fine. But the farther I went, the worse I felt -- it was getting HOT, especially since I was running with the wind in 70F/sun. I finally made it to 47th to see "Whiskey River Ranch", then turned back. I popped into Arby's to deuce and fill with water again - no Nuun, presuming the deuce might've been salt overload.
Ran down 42nd to Olympic to Mohawk to Centennial/MLK. Thought about doing a "beer run" but by the time I got on Centennial I was wiped out and into a slow-moving "get er done" gear.
Ran through the park and straight home, wound up "only" running about 3:36 total.
GOOD: heat acclimitization
early fueling/hydration
-legs felt shitty
-lost discipline with hydration/fueling: I -should've stopped for water at Subway at Value Village OR at Alton Baker and kept going for 4:00
Felt EXHAUSTED for about 2hrs after but had fun and wasn't too tired at Meghan's bday bash.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
28.0 Miles |