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"fun" day

April 6, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: beautiful

so apparently today was supposed to be a "fun" day since we just had a meet. well, if by fun u mean make us lift as much as we can, then yes. i can do 5 lbs ok, but lunge with barbells over my head? i don't think so! nearly dropped wait, i did. bobo even brought out 50lbs worth of sand - yes, sand bags. and then of course there was william's tire to drag...

joints hurting. need to let my body recover from the meet and from that long cherry blossom run. ankles overworked, wrist started hurting, knee almost gave out...may talk to anthony abt not running tomorrow depending on how i feel in the morning - rather be out 1 day than 3 weeks...will be just fine if i rest. really don't wanna risk injury rt in the middle of the season.

anthony starting talking abt penn relays. i assume i won't be in them, but i guess i could be surprised. i'd be cool to go tho, and just watch...all those much competition...the excitement... it'd be awesome. maybe senior year :)