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Potomac Relays: an awesome meet all-round!

April 9, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: cold, cloudy

last night I had a good night's sleep, but was so excited that I woke up like an hour early. still in bed, i sleepily listened to a book on tape. i probably liked the book i was listening to a little too much because i never fell back to sleep.
was more organized this time. i not only had everything packed, but also had my lunch made, and had my dad take me ten minutes early so i wouldn't be late for the bus like last week-end.
ran over to safeway quickly and got my sour patch, muffin, and bagel before joining spergs on the mini bus - the less overwhelming bus (good for sleeping).
i can't say i was in the happiest mood when i got there. with the cold and cloudy day, I never thought I'd be running races that I'll probably remember clearly next year...

my first race of my day was the 800 of the dmr b team. i was anxious. but then i remembered it was just a relay race and my nerves seemed so silly! then i focused. plenty of time for warming up - it felt good that the team was more organized. as my race neared, i became more of a "focused" energy than an "excited" energy. i took off strong and fearless as soon as the piton was in my hand. my form really is truly back - knees driving into the turn, relaxed down the straight-away... and a solid finish. at the time, all i thought was: not an amazing race, but who cares because i ran really well.

then came my 200 in the smr. after my dmr, my failed hw attempt led to a peaceful nap (although i was uncomfortably cold). and then then i heard first call for the smr! no one had woken me up! i rushed over, only to find out that it was the "other" smr. but the team should be starting to warm up, so i found everyone and we jogged around etc. more tight this time, i did more excelerations. should have done a better warm-up, but was kinda frazzled after just waking up from too long of a nap. anyhow, i did finally make myself ready for the race. we quickly went over hand-offs, but of course by the time i was on the track, i completely forgot symone's advice to lift my arm higher in receiving the piton. but it was fine. almost easy. (didn't drop it!) i sprinted hard, and really fast. really good race. it would have been nice to beat that other girl tho. according to william, i maybe ran faster than her, but needed spikes...i suppose i'll consider that.

then, anthony walks up to me...and apparently they need someone to fill a spot in the 4x1600 and 4x400b. at first i was so shocked and freaked out a bit, but then anthony thanking me for filling the spot for the team calmed me back down. like he said, its like my middle school i got ready to race a mile, emma helping me get rid of the nerves, but tess came last minute and i then switched to prepare for the 4x400. this race was a piece of cake - in a way. not that it was actually easy, but i could do this. i received the piton as anchor, and took off. rounding the first turn, i completely absorbed anthony's advice to just enjoy the speed. then, just seeing spergs at the 200 m mark got me excited, along with all the supportive teammates cheering me on along the straight-away :) my cheerers pointed out the girl in front of me, and i looked up - let's see if i can beat her! it turns out i didn't, but i began accelerating as soon as i got to spergs at the start of the turn. lifting my knees, i felt confident. i saw that girl nearly finishing, but i came out of the turn with a strong strong sprint anyway. i nearly faltered (gave up?) in the last few meters, but then brought my posture back up across the finish line. i felt so good! as i turned around, i realized - wow, i just ran one good 400, and i wasn't even planning on it! i just had fun with it. wished there'd been more competition to play with, but still had fun with the bit of competition i did have.
i'm not used to being so confident. it kinda feels good.
it was just an amazing day. the team was more organized, including with warm-ups, lots of cheerers, and just watching the races made me proud to be a hopper.
and then, as i was cooling down, the most amazing thing happened (or craziest thing?) anthony fell to his knees, hand on his head - smiling! no, crying? anthony was so proud of us! i exchanged looks with my teammates, and i nearly cried myself! ahh, hopper love! this team just makes me so happy sometimes
and then i had an amazing as always spergalicious cookie, along with a goody bag (candy) from leah :)

when i got back to school, anthony shocked me with the most amazing news - 3 season prs! 71 in the 400 (not really sure what that means, have definitely ran better, but huge jump forward and best this season!) 2:48 in 800 = getting back down to the 2:40s i was running in middle school! i ran like my old middle school-self minus the finish i used to have (no problem with my finish but something to work on for the end of the season - and i'm sure it'll come with the increased competition). dunno what my 200 was, but have no idea what's good (and apparently spikes will make a bit of a difference?) i know i won't have break-thru races every meet, and i'm afraid of being so excited - but i don't care! i'm just gunna enjoy, and remember this feeling. i just can't stop smiling as i'm writing this!

(afterthought: wow, three pages of cheesy, lazily written running enthusiasm)

random: if i'm reading this a few years from now...bring ice-cream scooper to college

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.87 Miles 1:13:48
400.0 Meters 1:11:00 4:45:39 / Mile Race Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
200.0 Meters Race Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
800.0 Meters 2:48 5:37 / Mile Race Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe