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Bobo's AU work-out + extreme weather change to extreme heat = death

April 11, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT 80, sunny, the usually spring weather seesaw

i wanna say i just psyched myself out, but thats just not what happened.
i remember how i felt - when Bobo first told us we were running a 1200 then 4x300, i was excited. then, i admit, i got nervous, but i was determined. i had something to focus on: changing gears - a task i've always loved (altho tiring). as i went thru warm-ups, i let my body absorb the sun, and i let the heat lubricate my joints. i really wanted this work-out.

we jogged over to the start line, and i wanted the group i was in to go first so my muscles wouldn't get lazy as we waited, but the 3 groups of boys went first. not a big deal. refocused, and then i was ready. got out pretty strong. almost immediately, the heat made my legs drag. it was harder than i thought it would be to lift my knees. i had to penetrate a hard wind on the back stretch. but i was confident, and for a while, i led the pack. but as the weather kept wearing me down, well, kate surpassed me in the last lap. i was mad at myself for not trying to stick with her, but it still wasn't such a big deal. i just wanted to finish this thing. i tried to tell my body to go faster, to lift in the turn, stride out the straight-away - but my body wouldn't listen. i suppose my mind wasn't demanding hard enough, but my mind just kept wandering...
and then i was done.
thats when the weather really got to me.
i was tired, but wasn't all that exhausted from the work out. i mean, i had no trouble jogging a lap around the track. just these side-effects, these odds and ends. runny nose and watery eyes (little bit of allergies?) probably not the best day to start my new meds. my lungs were a bit tight. i was dizzy. really dizzy. and then came the cough. ohh that COUGH! my throat got so scratchy and closed up. and got this ridiculous cough that sounded like a dog. eventually it got so bad that i just had to bend over to manage getting a breath.

my 300 was about to start and kate walked over and told me i didn't need to act strong. i needed that. i went over to get water, stopping for coughing/gagging fits along the way. water didn't help - i just couldn't absorb the water. so i went to the bathroom to get a whiff of cold air, which suppressed some dizziness, but did nothing for my throat/lungs. the coughing became a gag, as if my body was trying to throw up. finally i spit out these huge nasty uber-thick globs of slime. ewww, i know! then i got a sip of water, and my throat was able to absorb it a bit better. as i walked out side, before i even reached the track, the coughing came back. then the dizziness. my eyes became so sensitive to the light. and the coughing fits began to make my body feel so weak.
stopping along the way to cough/bend over/breathe, i made it to the start line for a 300. i assume i missed most of them, but i just joined in. at first i was able to cruise threw it, but then my throat started closing in, telling my mind to just stop and walk. but i didn't. finally it was over. the work out was done.
the work-out at au may have been over, but my lungs would have a work-out all the way back to school. the coughing fits were awful, not to mention feeling like i just wasn't getting enough oxygen with every breath. finally, by the time i was only a few blocks away, i was able to make it back to school with only 2 stops for coughing fits. at least i managed to jog most of the way back.
i got home by 7, and about half an hour later the cough finally began to ease. i thought that was good, but the burning sensation that came with it was just as bad or worse.

still coughing and throat burning now, but not as bad as an hour ago. should probably take some Tylenol or something since i have to wake up before 6 to take a test before school, but my mom isn't home and i'm too tired to read the sides of any boxes and figure out what to take.

what i want to work on:
-way way too de-hydrated! as soon as i realized today was going to be really hot, i shoulda made a conscious effort to drink more. but of course i did the exact opposite and didn't even drink as much as i usually do.
-ate a good lunch, but with all that i'm making my body endure, should prob eat more. need to remember that athletes eat more than some of my friends around me. will try to eat more snacks throughout the day. only had a granola bar after school - usually have a bagel or muffin as well. - i love eating so this shouldn't be a problem :)
-ankles feel weak and i'd like to do some strengthening work for them, but more focused on strengthening my muscles so i have more endurance.

Races this week:
-running the 4x100 this saturday...AHHHHHH! need to work on piton exchanges because i don't wanna drop it! made a newpaper piton and made my next-door-neighbor say "stick" and hand it to me like a thousand times tonite...eek!
-running this wednesday too. probably the steeple chase and just the steeple. no reason to over-work my body. just focus on one thing and have fun. had great races this past week-end, no need to put pressure on myself. not the end of the season, so would be nice this once to have a bit more time to reflect on that meet.

such a long log entry! anything to procrastinate from doing homework...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1504.0 Miles 0:00
2.0 Miles Warmup Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
1200.0 Miles   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Miles   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
2.0 Miles Cooldown Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe