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Bandanna Day 1

April 15, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: there was a mist in the air - no wind

pretty fun race, won by a couple seconds.

Anyways, the night started pretty good and just got better. Weather was super nice and I was feeling really good. Watched some pretty cool races before I warmed up. Warmed up for 10 minutes and on my warm up I found a 20 dollar bill. How cool is that. Lucky. Did stretches and agilities. Finally went and watched the girls race. Savannah had a great race, slowly moving up the pack the whole race. Meghan ran super tough. It didn't look like she felt the best but she ran through it anyways. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It just makes me want to work that much harder. Finally I stepped up to the line.

Mile 1: We went out pretty good. Around 74 for the first lap and a 75 for the second. There was a lot of jostling because of the slow pace. I got spiked in the leg by Justin but no matter. The pace picked up a bit in the 3rd and 4th, running a 74 and 73 respectively. Came through the 1600 in a 4:56.

Mile 2: First two laps were again pretty stacked up. The slow pace didn't string the field out at all. 5th and 6th laps were 74 and 75. I was patiently biding my time following Justin, Brennen, and Andreas. They kept taking turns pacing so that worked perfectly for me. Finally the race really picked up in the 7th. Dropped to a 71 lap and with about 450 to go I made my move. Went straight to the front and hammered out a 64 to win in a 9:41.13. It was an awesome race. The best part was I know I can run a lot faster than that too.

Then after the race I had probably the worst string of events happen. I lost my water bottle and my car had died because I left my lights on. Aagghhh!!! Oh well, got home eventually.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.99 Miles 9:41
1.5 Miles Warmup  
3200.0 Meters 9:41 4:52 / Mile Race  
1.5 Miles Cooldown