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Au before passover

April 18, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Perfect except cloudy

5x40 in the form of relays. Not that great at such a short distance.
Then 500meters. Not so psyched abt it, but wanna get it done. Got out pretty strong, not all that confident. By the 300 meter mark I'd begun to lose my strength. As I fell further behind, I just had nothing left in my muscles. Especially my arms were weak. I need to lift more weights.
Eventhough I fell so far behind, I couldnt fly get mad at myself because I knew I was trying- just dissapointed that I don't have any muscle strength. What mad me mad at myself was that in the last couple meters u gave up and walked over the finish line. But didnt really focus on that too much. Mostly just thinking about Passover. And the fact that my recovering throat from last Monday resurfaced. I supposed drinking hardly any water at all yesturday didnt help.