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Weight room

April 19, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

It's the first day of passover and I'm already having trouble figuring out what to eat.
This was the first weight room day that I really pushed myself, that I wasn't too embarrassed to push myself and work hard. We only did 3 sets of stair exercises (a set it doing the exercise 5 times), but I wudda been ready to do anything William told us to do. I kept up with everyone the entire time.
I also did way more weights than usual, forgetting about my fear of getting to bulky and then having all that weigh to carry for distance... I worked hard the entire time, stayed focused, never goofing off. I had the self-respect to just do what I wanted, forgetting about my peers. I had the self-discipline to keep going when I was tired, pushing thru the burn in my muscles. And I had the self-confidence to realize it didn't matter what everyone else was doing, proud that I was back to working hard.
Cough isn't really getting better - aww well. Nothing I can do. I guess.