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weight room and stairs

April 22, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: inside (luckily, because raining outside)

first did all these exercises with bobo in weight room, including the fishing rope
then stairs with william. only 2 or 3 sets of exercises (this time set=6 reps). william says you shouldn't have a days where you don't do anything, and you can do work outs before meets - you can do stairs or lift 3 hours before a meet, its just a matter of how much you do. for instance, just doing one lift before a meet. should always be reminding your body that you're a sprinter.
then back to exercise room for weights. didn't have time for everything, but of what i did, did the harder amount like last time. feels good to know i'm building muscle. my goal is that by the end of the season, my strength isn't what's holding me back, and maybe even an asset.