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April 23, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

this relay was a lot more fun than i was expecting. beautiful day, and we were a lot closer than i think anyone expected. still no match for the seniors, its kind of cool they managed to win every year. my two legs were two of the longer ones, but i liked the challenge. was chasing down link on my second leg, and he was shaking in his boots. i got us probably as close as we were to the seniors, because before we weren't that close, and we immediately began to lose it after i handed off. oh well. i had lots of fun. warmed up about 20 minutes 8 or so with the two nathans, and more with phil. then cooled down by myself kind of while cheering and eventually making it back to the finish.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles