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April 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

well, i missed a lot of logging last week, being busy and lazy, so i didnt know mileage last week, and i wanted to hit 45, but missed. so i went "long" today to start the week, and think i'll just hit 40 again this week, same next week, and 35 the week of allegheny, assuming i get to run. if not. i might start my time off, or just run and do know workouts. my legs still feel good, but the rest of me is iffy on running allegheny. i want to do it. i am better than my 5k time suggests, so racing would be nice, but just prepping for cross seems so enticing. we'll await rubin's decision. ran this morning before heading to a lovely easter mid-day meal with brooke, chris, and her family.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles