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April 27, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

william at penn and anthony at turkey run. only girl sprinter today.

after warming up with distance, went and did drills again with bobo(harder drills, the 3 groups things...with push-ups and squats and jumping jacks and spider-man...)
and then that was it. that was our work-out.
extremely unsatisfied, especially since disappointed never got to do the work out the others got to do on monday (those going to penn who didn't have a meet the next day...)
tried to go to the weight room, but it was locked.
i did as many crunches/leg strengthening as could think of.
going crazy...
so did some stairs (on my own). just had to get some stress/anticipation out of my system if i ever wanted to get to bed that night. just did one exercise - running (as fast as u can going 2 steps at a time...) didn't wanna wear myself out too much because i guess i wasn't supposed to.
still unsatisfied by the end, but not going crazy :)