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so the bad day continues...

May 2, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: humid, cloudy, 77

i don't know how to deal with all this stress!
usually running helps relieve stress, but i think it just made me too worn out to do any hw by the time i got home...creating yet more stress...and it wasn't till after the work-out that i even realized i'd forgotten to take my meds...

so today the work-out was 3x300 with PLENTY of recovery. altho i had a bad day, thought i could still pull off this work-out...well i thought wrong...
none of the 300s were terrible, just not what's gunna better my 800 time (but i know i don't have to let one work-out affect me). my first one i got out fairly strong. my second i had a good finish (started to turn it on). my last one was the best: got out strong, but faded, but still kept it up ok.
i was way more exhausted than usual after each one. can't believe i actually needed all that recovery time! i just didn't feel light today. and it didn't help that my insides felt like they were gunna explode and my lungs felt so tight. why am i still having lung problems so late in the season?! i don't even have allergies anymore.
i suddenly realized that we were late (and i had to get to the temple) so tried to get back quickly...only, i couldn't. the fastest jog i could manage was so slow! and then came a whole new wave of pain. i can't remember feeling pain quite like that since, well, i can't remember (worse than even that one day back earlier in the season). as my insides got even worse, my shoulders were just screaming! i guess it makes sense, as my shoulders are where most of my stress tends to go to. and then my ears plugged again (third time in the past 5 days!). but this time it wan't due to the weather. first my left shoulder muscle tugged and tugged painfully, and that's when my left ear plugged. as i tried to unplug it, my right shoulder muscle began tugging painfully and before i knew it both ears were plugged. and then came the migraine. and my temples hurt so amazingly bad (felt like a build up of pressure). as i tried to focus on getting up the hill, i got a... asthma attack? whatever it was, lets just say breathing wasn't coming easily (and then the wheezing etc). so i walked the next block until my breathing steading and cautiously finished the the jog back. i couldn't believe i had to walk back from au! its the end of the season!
then, i had go to temple...was so tired, and all i wanted to was collapse and go to bed. or better yet, take an 8 hour car-ride (i love car-rides, not to mention motion puts me to sleep).
tiger balm certainly helped relieve my shoulders, but had to put a lot on...not even a hot bubble bath did the trick. i have no idea how i'm finishing all my work tonight. probably gunna be an all-nighter.
goal for the week: pull myself together by thursday.

(on a good note, happy to see natalie back out running)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.56 Miles 0:00
2.0 Miles Warmup Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
300.0 Meters   Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
2.0 Miles Cooldown Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe