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DC jaunt/tour of glimpses of Anthony's past

May 3, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ayyy my legs were sore today. Stairs were pretty much avoided despite the ridiculous fear of elevators... Foam rolled during activity today which definitely made everything significantly better. Fun adventure around the hidden historical parts of DC//fun facts about Anthony. stopped quite often to hear historical facts, find out where Luigi went, water, and to cheer for the laxerz at Sidwell. Pace wasnt easy but it was good even though still a bit sore. Getting really excited for B meet on monday. Hopefully lack of sleep in the next few days wont affect too much///going to try to nap frequently through out the day despite how ridiculous it looks. Also goign to fail AP US but thats a different story. Planksssss

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
39:12   Nike Zoom Vomero 5