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Districts Day 2

May 13, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

All through the day I thought that I was going to scratch the 1600 because my foot was hurting so bad. I was all drugged up through the day and limping, so I didn't have very good expectations for the race.

Got to the meet and had my foot wrapped by the trainer and it helped some but I was still limping during warm up and strides before the race. Justin gave me and Dylan some nasal strips before the race, so we all had open nostrils.

When we lined up, I was not thrilled to be there at all. I didn't even know if I could finish the race. The plan was for Dylan to lead the first two laps because we thought the pace would be slow like the 3200. He would go through 800 in 2:12 or so then I would lead the last 800 and Dylan would hang on for the qualifying spot. The plan blew up. The pace went out in a 63. I was about 7th or so. We went through 800 in 2:12 and I was feeling pretty good. My foot wasn't hurting at all. On the backstretch of the 3rd lap Meeker jumped to the front, I went with him. Came through 1200 in 3:18. I started my kick and with 100 to go I passed Meeker and won the race. That's about it. Pretty good day considering what happened throughout it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.19 Miles 4:22
1.0 Miles Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 4:22 4:23 / Mile Race  
1.2 Miles Cooldown