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Time Trials!

May 18, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Jogged over and was NOT feeling it after a week of like 2 30 minute cross trains because of the foot...but pushed past it and once I found out Elisa was pacing I got excited. then, Anthony said Peter Silverman was going to pace and I got even more excited! I really wanted to go sub 3, so we figured go out conservative like 45 for the first 200 or so, split 130, then kick the last lap. Instead, we went out in 36 which I guess got a bit tiring the 2nd part of the 1st lap because 400 split in 126. Anyways, finished in 301. although I didnt break 3, I'm still very very excited about today because after not training for a week, still pulled a solid time for myself. The 400 started out to be a lot lot of fun because of 4 pacers! Went out good, but then at the 150 mark bottom of the foot/arch near the heel completely wigged out and it feels incredibly stiff/painful when I walk or step on it. finished in 82 though. meh whatever. It turned out to be an incredible end of the season and i"m so so so so SO so proud of everyone and love you all so much. Now for the 3 week off period........uhoh.