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May 18, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: partly cloudy, 72

supposed to do time trials today. i kno this is a pathetic excuse, but here it is: poison ivy. extremely uncomfortable all day - so itchy. the blisters got so full that and itching got so bad my legs were just stinging/burning by the end of the day. then when i put my running shoes on (had been wearing flip flops) it really aggravated the rashes around my ankles.
so yes, i didn't run because of stupid poison ivy (hate being so allergic! why couldn't i've gotten my dad's genes?) but i think i also freaked out/didn't feel ready...can be for saturday tho, so long as these welts go down...
i need an official end to my season, because championships just wasn't it.

AND...i finally found something that works! instead of all those lotions that say "creme with aloe!" i got an actual aloe like a charm! finally! i've tried everything - this is the only thing that works! so at school tomorrow, i'll be the nerdy one carrying around an aloe leaf...