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A year in the life of a track runner

May 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I apoligize for not logging. I just kinda got away from it for awhile and I relized I probably should start again becasue it keeps me accountable. So heres what I thought of my track season.
It was a good year. Looking at the good things in no particular order:
1: Sub 15 5k
2: Sub 4 1500
3: All Ohio Champion DMR/open mile
4: All-UAA Indoors 2nd year in a row
5: Oustide of the last two meets no lower than 5th in any mile/1500/5k/DMR
Those are some good things and they make for a great year but theres definitly some things I need to work on.
First off I want to be able to score big points at confrence meets/meets that matter. I feel like the mens team is on its way up point wise with all the people we have coming back and I really want to continue that upward trend. I feel like I can improve my doubling ability a lot especially indoors with more strength work which should come as I focus more and more on the 5k in coming years.
With that comes confrence meet performence. Those have to be my best(outside hopefully nats) 5ish?? races of the year. They all need to be run well tactically to score the most points possible for the team, and I think I can improve on that respect next year. I really want to be able to be counted on to score big in big races over multiple races on multiple days.
Also confrence wise... I want a title! If I leave NY or Pittsburg next year without a gold medal I will be dissapointed. There's no reason I can't win something considering how I ran this year and the people that are graduating. I've never lost a mile to anyone currently still in the UAA, and only lost a 5k to two people one of whom I crushed early this outdoor season.
Next is Nationals. I'm 20 sec away in the 5k and 5 sec away in the mile. I still believe in the DMR and over this summer I'm going to learn to steeple for real all in the hopes that I get my ass to Nationals some how. It will always be a goal from now on.
Lastly I dont want to have any regrets. Shane Brandt illistrates this. At All-Ohio indoors I beat him straight up at the mile. He was fresh and I had already split 4:17 on the DMR. Fast forward to now. Hes run 3:51 and 4:12. He barely missed Nationals in the 1500. I wasn't close and didn't run anywhere near those times. I'd rather our roles were reversed at this point.
Closeing with positive I pr'd at every distance I ran except the 800 so thats a pretty good year.
Cross Goals come tomorrow