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i wanna run

June 3, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

wanted to run today. weather was nice n hot (not uncomfortably hot like yesturday tho). weird how everyone's on their off-season. can't ever get used to the idea.
i kinda blew my grades - when the track season ended, my grades immediately dropped. Shoulda been prepared for that. no i gotta somehow manage to ace my exams to bring my grades back up due to the damage i made in just the last couple weeks of school. plus, my grades were already bordering because i tend to turn every thing in late - and when i mean late, i mean late (weeks, sometimes months even on really important assignments), because when i get overwhelmed, i really struggle to make myself finish things.
i really dunno how i'm even gunna ace my exams because they always bring my grades down nearly a letter grade (no joke) because i can't handle stress (sound like somebody we know?) first semester mid-terms brought 4 out of 5 grades down at least from a solid a to low a- or a- to b+. and now that i think about it, if i'd just turned in all my assignments on time, i'd have probably gotten straight a's. wow this sucks. i'm stupid. anyway, know there's nothing i can to abt the past - doesn't bother me all that much - so long as 2nd semester grades stay in the same range.
anyway, sry for my ranting. point is, what i really wanna be doing is going on a jolly run! ahh, the freedom of summer! (hope i can still get that freedom this summer, unlike much of last summer...)