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Absolutely not

June 4, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

The foot is 100000 times better and I'm taking really good care of it. There is though, still a little lingering which I know will be out in a week if I dont run on it. Went to phyiscal therapy this morning for what I thought would be the last of working out the foot. The last few sessions they didnt really tell me details or estimated time or anything so I thought I'd ask. I said I hoped to be running 3/4 times next week then start summer training but that I'm probably going to take next week off for a bit more rest.

They said that I need to be 100% pain free then need to take 2 MORE weeks off until I run...nope, absolutely not. "Youll have at most 2 weeks before Kenya". I was a bit taken aback and I didnt speak up. This isn't me trying to get back to running as fast as possible, but that is absolultely absurd. I know that it's goign to be better in this weeks time frame at the speed its healing right now. It didnt really help that "hurt so good" and "Chariots of fire" were playing in the background while they were digging out the rest. I'll try to be coherent next time I go to explain and this si probably an rant but I need to work this out