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ahh... exhaustion...wonderful...

June 8, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT. summer. 99 and sunny. code orange?? who knows

ahh exhaustion...i feel wonderful...bliss...not the kind of sleepless night exhaustion - the kind where u just went on your first run in forever in the summer heat and u come inside to the air conditioning and ice...

i was bouncing off the walls all morning at school studying for this exam im totally prepared for. then when i finally saw spergs down the hallway...well all i could do was skip for joy down the hall to hug her!

then when we got outside it was way hotter than i realized and decided to take a different route that was hopefully more shady. with so much catching up to do and the excitement of being back on my feet, the first part of the run felt great! it was getting hot so we stopped at the big fountain in the middle of the big fountain - who knew there was icky slimy stuff growing at the bottom? not the best for my finally healing poison ivy blisters, but who cares. then put our shoes back on and headed back to school. didnt wanna make the run too long because i dont wanna be completely exhausted from my exam tomorrow. felt refreshed, but soon the heat really was getting to me. not completely unbarable, just the kind of feeling were u just wanna go to the air conditioned mall and get ice-cream. taylor passed us in her car and asked it was hot - what kind of question is that? lol. then i finally knew where. eva's mom and brother passed us and was very tempted to take them up on their offer to take us back to school. then waiting at that light one block away from school was torture - god, let there be shade!

when we finally got back, it was wonderful to be in the air conditioning and put my cheek against a cold surface, and luckily veronica's office was open to get ice. then, i..err...of course i stretched! ...

felt like i might have been holding sarah back...she seemed to be wanting to push the pace...turns out she has her coach's training schedule for the summer...i feel so lucky...this is great - i can run whenever (or not), however, forever...its fantastic! just hope it lasts (i'll figure something out for this summer - i have to)

hope im not jinxing it, but even with the extreme weather, i haven't gotten a bloody nose yet! i know right? first year it hasn't happened yet...(only nearly threw up tho the first hot day early this spring... :P

and im back to eating regularly again :) good thing too that i had some protein this morning - i needed it!