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Breaking in

June 21, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Elliptical

Got new shoes today (thanks to Daniel)! I went for the leap of faith and am trying not Vomeros...for the first time in 3 years, because I keep getting injured/blistered in them even though they fit incredibley. A bit nervous, but these seem to be doing well so far. I also figured out I need to take this whole starting up a bit slower than anticipated, as I also figured out the foot issue was more than I realized. With all of that, will probably do another 15-17 minutes tomorrow to break in the shoes and preserve the foot. I dunno, I was worried earlier today that I didnt give it enough time, and that something else is gonna happen, but thats probably because I'm so incredibely prone to injury. But I desperately want to be back running. So, I'll take it slow and hopefully be smart this time around.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes