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crescent trail and neighborhood hills day 2: getting into the groove of things

June 23, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 83, cloudy

i decided to run in the morning this time so i wouldn't run out of time. didn't give my breakfast enough time to digest but didn't feel like waiting any longer.
without my cell phone in hand, i felt so much more free this morning. still a lot to think about, and while i'm mainly avoided things, i'm getting closer to confronting them.
i listened to my body today and made this a recovery day. very slow. i've been running too much and haven't had the training yet to back it up. there were a few times where that urge to surge forward and see how fast i could make it to the next mile marker were nearly to strong to resist.
at one point i had those damn footsteps behind me! luckily it hardly took me a quarter of a mile to outrun them. it turns out they were just some lady's footsteps (looked like a mother) - was i running that slow?
i think i'm still kinda dehydrated. but i've been drinking plenty of water...i think? either i'll just never really be fully hydrated in the summer, or i need to actually pay attention to my water intake.
its lovely to run on my own, but i miss summer running. hopefully i can stop by at some point. maybe fridays will work, maybe even another day. we'll see.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.15 Miles 30:00 9:31 / Mile Recovery Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe