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Crescent trail day 4: chasing that "bad-form" girl down

June 26, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 86, partly cloudy

thought about swimming...didn't happen...
still cant find my sports watch so instead of resorting to my phone (which always feels confining) and decided to use my ipod. i never run with it, and that strappy thing to wear around your arm is just annoying. so i carried it (perhaps good practice for having to carry a baton? - i think i spelled it right this time!) anyway, i suppose it was useful because i got to keep better track of my pace (not that i actually looked at it during my run, which is odd because i always enjoying seeing how fast im going when i use my cell phone for timing). the stopwatch also has this thing called "lap" which i used - very helpful. although this website totally messed up the order of the intervals. it was: 2:46/.35mi (7:54/mile) cruise
4:16/.5mi (8:32/mile) temp
3:47/.5mi (7:34/mile) temp
4:38/.5mi (9:16/mile) recovery (the .5mile after turning around)
4:27/.5mi (8:54/mile) cruise
2:49/.35mi (8:02/mile) steady

feeling pretty good again today. again, during my warm up i felt a tug on my right hamstring? (hamstring or quad? the thingy on the back of my leg). anyway, should just pay attention to that so i don't actually pull anything (not really worried because i've always been good at paying attention to my body).
paused to stretch before my run for the second day in a row (crazy right? i never do...) i think thats why my run back has seemed shorter...i suppose i'll continue pausing before i get on the bike trail.
didn't feel so very hot today. not the summer heat. we've been having an odd year weather-wise (but i'm not complaining!)
after about half i mile, i turned a corner and this girl with bad form was like 150 meters ahead of me (i'm getting really good with time and distance! i've been practicing! a year ago i'd have no idea what 100 meters was :) anyway, i trailed this girl for a quarter of a mile and ran right by her. now that was fun! even when i heard her jingling keys behind me, it was only more incentive the push the pace (lightly tho, don't wanna start my training up too fast). feeling pretty confident as i found others to pass (nobody quite as exciting as this girl tho).
when i turning around to run back, i didn't go quite as fast. less motivation. i got 2 cramps: a stitch in my right lung (always the right side!) and a cramp in my left shoulder/neck - i was getting less focused and forgot to relax and i'm sure my form wasn't as great. i wanted to see how fast i could pass this mother and daughter walking, but after that, only this other old guy to try and pass. soon after passing the next mile marker, my pace adjusted to recovery. why does the run back always seem so much less enjoyable? perhaps its because on the way out u get to run away from everything, but then u have to run back in, toward reality.
i had to get up that bridge again (why do i always choose to run in the directing with that big incline?). that bridge is the one place thats not under a canopy of trees (shade:) on the way out i sweat it was more cloudy.
actually did a real cool down this time. can actually call it that today! when i got back, didn't feel out of breath, and not too tired.
30 crunches and 10 push ups just to get me started for the summer.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.7 Miles 32:22
0.5 Miles 4:35 9:10 / Mile Warmup Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.5 Miles 4:27 8:54 / Mile Cruise Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.35 Miles 2:49 8:02 / Mile Steady State Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.35 Miles 2:46 7:54 / Mile Cruise Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.5 Miles 4:16 8:32 / Mile Tempo Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.5 Miles 3:47 7:34 / Mile Tempo Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.5 Miles 4:38 9:16 / Mile Recovery Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.5 Miles 5:04 10:08 / Mile Cooldown Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe