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Good workout

January 2, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: indoors

8x600 at prep at mile pace with 2 minutes rest followed 10 minutes later with 4x200 at 800 pace with 3 minutes rest... Calves were a little sore from the hills yesterday but otherwise felt okay, hit 1:42-1:43 consistent on the 600's running pretty even and then 29 28 28 28 on the 200's

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.5 Miles 0:00
1.25 Miles Warmup Adrenaline GTS 8 #4
3.0 Miles Interval Ghetto Nike Milers
0.75 Miles Recovery Adrenaline GTS 8 #4
0.5 Miles Speed Ghetto Nike Milers
1.0 Miles Cooldown Adrenaline GTS 8 #4