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coming clean

July 1, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

okay, so I am done running until I see a doctor....I tried going out for a run today and physically had to stop one mile in, i was wearing the knee brace which was chafing my back leg and it started to bleed, I was also limping real bad and going roughly 9-10 minute pace moving my arms in a weird way to make up for the limp......and this point I stopped, this whole week I have been telling myself to toughen up, ect....when i stopped running i thought to myself what someone from the outside looking in would say, i limp around the office all day, then come home and limp on my runs, everyday my knee is not getting better its getting worse, i need to stop being an idiot, stop running and see a doctor, my knee has now swelled up on the inside pretty large, this pisses me off alot and i don't really wan't to talk about it I will not log again until after I see the doctor, im just hoping for good news..i realize i just need to relax and things like this happen but after skipping an entire year i wanted this to be a season where I made a big comeback and proved people wrong and impressed myself, being a drama queen about it but I was trying to go all in for this season

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.0 Miles