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FINALLY get to the pool

July 4, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Swim

Weather: cloudy=perfect

dad took my to the pool. was gunna run, but dad warned me bad idea if i was planning to run again later today.
pool opened at 9:30. wish it opened earlier. even tho got there soon after opened, lot of people there (pretty much all kids between the ages of 5 and 10...ewww). well, i guess i shouldn't be surprise, its the 4th of july crowd (one of like the 3 biggest days for the pool all year). luckily, like nobody there to actually swim for exercise, so got a lane (only swimmers there to do laps were two old ladies, one of which was already out by the time i'd changed, and the other out soon after). so pretty much lanes all to myself and even got to get the good lane.

who knows how many laps i did? even harder to keep track of laps than mile markers. didn't even try to keep track. just enjoyed the morning. eventho tons of kids around, felt almost like i had the whole pool to myself. totally absorbed in my own thoughts.
feel great. ready to do this more often.
mostly breast-stroke, but some occasional relaxing "airplane-soldier-monkey" laps on my back (yes, i know, cheesy name for a stroke...most people don't even know this stroke, but its way more relaxing than side stroke). since breast is my most confident stroke, i stuck to it because didn't feel like embarrassing myself in front of a crowd of kids ready to make fun of me. i'll add in the free-style and back-stroke when i get there even a bit earlier on a saturday morning when i'll probably have the pool almost completely to myself except for a a few old ladies (i know this for a fact: every year if you come exactly when it opens on saturday or sunday morning, there will only be 3 at most old ladies swimming their slow side-stroke).

not as tired as i expected. usually more weak after a morning of swimming. then again, i used to always swim for a straight 2 hours and add in my butterfly, free-style, and backstroke. well, don't think i'm gunna be doing all that anymore.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30:00 Cruise