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Poison ivy in Syracuse...

July 8, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Certainly cooler here. If here year round, winters too long?

To my absolute shock, not only did the campus compare to the one I visited yesterday, it was at least comprobal! However, the grounds couldnt win me over like yesturday's school cauz the academics, community, activities ect didn't meet my too high standards. But there was a really nice running team here that I'd be able to run on. Anyway, I love being in the middle of nowhere - perfect for me.

Got poison ivy only chin and corner of my mouth. Third time i got it this year (used to be that i usually got it just once a year usually in the summer...) Just discovered newly formed blisters on my actually lips. Hope it doesn't spread and swell too much more because difficult to eat already. Itchy! First time I've ever gotten it in my face like this before. Usually primarily on some other tougher-skinned body part, most recently legs or back, and then perhaps just a line of a few shallow blisters may line a side-burn. This sucks.

Finally at my grandma's house in Syracuse. It was pouring.perhaps I woulda ventured out had i been less likely to get lost, had more time for a shower before dinner, and wasnt so itcy. Damn poison ivy! If only you were an invasive species, then could get revenge piulling u out like weeds!

Now that I think about it, the only time I coulda gotten this was when I got lost on that long run thru glover with Eva and Sam Cohen. Why was I the only one to get it again?!

My actual run:
After dinner, it was still light out so my dad grudgingly allowed my out so long as a stayed close to home. I was excited to finally get out and stretch my legs. Ankles not sore like yesterday, even though I did even more rigorous walking. Explored the tiny, small-town neighborhoods. Beautiful outside. Dusk it the perfect time of day - lowering sun tainting the clouds orange and pink pastels, thin mist shading the clearly visable man-in-the-half-moon, and thick fog creating a mystical aura. Had the noisy cars from the major road nearby just evaporated, I coulda enjoyed the birds' songs.
Am definitely running at a faster pace now. Feels terrific. Freedom.
When got back to grandma's, truly had trouble breathing. It was as if my lungs were a sponge that had just been squeezed and would only expand a tiny bit. No matter how much I tried to take that deep breath, it seemed my lungs were determined to bring me just the same small amour of air, an amount not just unsatisfying but awfully uncomfortable. Finally not at 9:30 my kings have decided to gratify me. The thought of poison ivy down my throat crossed my mind, but that's not possible, right?

Well, am gunna try this stuff I got at the local pharmacy for my poison ivy...don't think it was meant fir my mouth, but gotta do something...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
27:00 Cruise Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe