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Tely 10 2011

July 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: strong headwind, rain for the last 2 miles

Stuck to the plan of sticking with KV for the first half, broke up the group, they (KV, DF and ED) caught me again for the hill past miles 7, then I broke up the group again. Chased down ED on Bannerman Rd for 10th spot. Exciting. However, I failed to reach my goal for 55:30... but the headwinds slowed everyone for the first half.

Maybe could have been faster but I don't believe I could have ran with JD or DF. So it was a successful race. Debating on whether or not I should change things up for August.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.09 Kilometers 1:17:01
4.0 Kilometers 19:50 4:57 / Kilometer Warmup  
10.0 Miles 57:11 3:33 / Kilometer Race