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July 24, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Only About 85 or So, Felt Like 95

Still really weary of my lung when running but since ti had "cooled off" weather wise, decided to just say fuck it. Just did an outback route, first mile was slow as hell and my chest was hurting. then i started getting into a rythm and felt strong on the way back. Sucks that A.) I felt like UI was runigng 6 flat pace the whole time and B.) that I cant run that much as I love it down here, these country roads are so perfect for running.
~14:04-14:15 out
~12:02-11:51 back

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.6 Miles 26:06 7:14 / Mile Training Asics Gel Nimbus 12