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"Long Run"

August 10, 2011 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Not Too Bad, Low 80's?

Long run...for this week anyways. Luckily my dad let me go outside to run tonight, the treadmill was reallyyyy starting to get to me. Anyways went chill as shit til abut the 5th mile then started to pick it up justttt barely. Last mile actually opened up a bit and it was pretty frustrating vause before...that was when I would click off right around a 6 minute mile...not a 7:15. Anyways, had to hold in a shit for the last 4 miles basically so that probs had something to do with that. probably not doing tooo much tomorrow, recovery nigga\
also of note, good to know that i went real easy for over half of this run and still got under 8 flat pace, I mean I always negative split things whjich is why I ran faster at the end but especially the 1st 2 miles, they were at like 8:40 pace. Should be back to where I was within the next 2 weeks then 10 weeks of base training uhhhh huh. so excited that I'll be able to do it during cool as months of september october and november. Especially october when I hope to crank out a week or two in the mid 60's mileage wise

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.59 Miles 59:18 7:48 / Mile Long Asics Gel Nimbus 12