February 2, 2009 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: -4 slippery patches everwhere!. sun wasnt up to melt
Was up at 5:55 - lots to do today, that i have to get organized for. It was a short turn around time from my last run (12hrs) having a little pain in my right achilles that feels more like a strain. should watch and stretch it. Also felt a little tinge in my back before i went out. it scared me. one of those lock up pains.
ANyway other than that the run was very good pace wise. A touch slower than yesterday, but i went further and longer. I kept telling myself that if all else fails today, I have done one nice thing for myself already.
Its like making deposits into my physical bank account.
2 min walk cooldown
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
3.6 Kilometers | 28:18 | 7:51 / Kilometer |