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1st PG Meet

December 16, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Indoors

Bullshitted the 4x8 obviously, thats what you get Gene haha. Anwyays still kinda fucke dme over for the mile because I didnt have that initial "sparked" feeling in my legs that usually allows me to go easy for the first 800. Struggled to stay witht he pack for the first 500 then started to make a move on the Loyola kid and picked off 3 others eventually. 70, 2:25, dont know then 4:57. felt strong last 200 so I think if Im fresh and dont get boxed in next time I can run a 4:52 or so at the next PG meet.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.35 Miles 7:20
1.1 Miles Warmup Asics Gel Numbus 12 (Black Pair)
0.5 Miles 2:23 4:46 / Mile Cruise Nike Zoom Matumbo
0.75 Miles Recovery Asics Gel Numbus 12 (Black Pair)
0.4 Miles Easy Nike Zoom Matumbo
1.0 Miles 4:57 4:57 / Mile Race Nike Zoom Matumbo
1.6 Miles Cooldown Asics Gel Numbus 12 (Black Pair)