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Rough Day

December 20, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50ish and Cloudy

Gene had us do 8x200 with ~1:45 rest in between each because Gene wanted them literally 100% eveyr single time. He was screaming because we were hitting 30's and low 31's everytime but, sorry Gene, I'm just not that fast. Plus, its longer than 200 meters but I go through it. It was really fucking hard though. Then ran the alumni course, went through the stretching and strides again and done.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.4 Miles 17:33
0.7 Miles Warmup Asics Gel Numbus 12 (Black Pair)
1.0 Miles 4:06 4:06 / Mile Speed Nike Free Runs+2
0.3 Miles Recovery Nike Free Runs+2
1.4 Miles 13:27 9:36 / Mile Cooldown Asics Gel Numbus 12 (Black Pair)