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Threshold Workout

January 24, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: damp cool good day

with MK and MH. Saw ML's dad, he was out running too.

16 min warm up and a few drills, 2 X 9' @LT/1'

cool down on the way backed to MUN, saw MF who walking home to K and Maple.

Couldn't really hang with the guys but it's the first wo I've done in a while. And it was at LT pace. Enjoy the small victories and keep going.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
12.4 Kilometers 50:00
3.4 Kilometers 16:00 4:42 / Kilometer Warmup  
5.6 Kilometers 19:00 3:23 / Kilometer 171 187 Tempo  
3.4 Kilometers 15:00 4:24 / Kilometer Cooldown