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Heather Hanagar's Worokout

February 18, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: FH

glute activation to start, some jump rope too.
20 mins warm-up on the treadmill with 4 mins of it at steady state
drills, a lot of drills while JK measured the distances.
400m/1', 800m/1' 400m/1' 10 min break with 2 mins at steady state, 400m/1', 500m/2', 300m
15 mins cool down on the treadmill

Some of this distances were off but that's okay because the effort was there and I kept up with JK. Ran a pretty encouraging 300 at the in in about 46', I think. Home for a nap now.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.5 Kilometers 54:10
5.5 Kilometers 20:00 3:38 / Kilometer Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 5:10 3:13 / Kilometer Interval  
1.8 Kilometers 10:00 5:33 / Kilometer Recovery  
1200.0 Meters 4:00 3:20 / Kilometer Interval  
3.4 Kilometers 15:00 4:24 / Kilometer Cooldown