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football fridays

March 7, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

headed out after working on my lab for most of the afternoon, with chris, ethan, and david. we just went out north park but did "choose your own adventure run". we alternated people who chose which direction we would go at each intersection. it was pretty cool. ended up over by shaker/south woodland. at about 28 minutes chris and ethan headed back while david and i continued on, and we saw some really cool houses. then we got back to veale and did a mile on the field in bare feet. the mile felt real good because the ground was in perfect condition. soft enough, but not too muddy, and was cold on my feet which felt good. might try to remember to cool down some on that tomorrow. it was beautiful weather today! but a little windy. hopefully it dies down some for tomorrow's workout. lifted, then did wednesday walk overs. it sounds cooler because of the alliteration, and i did it today since i wouldn't have time tomorrow.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:09:41 6:58 / Mile