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Repeat 1000m

March 8, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: FH

20' warm-up
drills + strides
5 X 1000m/2' (cept it was 3:15 repeats to keep it simple)
15' cool down
core work

Felt great! Judging from how I felt I probably was hitting 1000m in 3:08. Had a chat with my old beginners running group outside, who are still together.

Talked to MK on the elliptical, KL on the track. NO and his crew were training again. Waved to me buddy EG.

Real pain is having the woman you love more than anything in the world break your heart, lie to you, and then walk past you like you don't exist. It still hurts and I'm still confused.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.84 Kilometers 57:00
2.6 Miles 20:00 4:46 / Kilometer Warmup  
5.1 Kilometers 16:00 3:08 / Kilometer Interval  
500.0 Meters 6:00 12:00 / Kilometer Recovery  
1.9 Miles 15:00 4:54 / Kilometer Cooldown