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getting to the point

March 16, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

race at south florida university. ethan david and i were earlier that week scheduled to run the 5k, but after determining it would be too late of a race for us to be in, we were bumped to the 3k, and david was too sick to race. not too bad, but i was looking forward to a 5k. after a week in florida where we were using energy for practice, the beach, and some other energy-sapping things, coach said we weren't expected to set the world on fire with our race. it was also really hot, the middle of the day for all of our races, and mostly D1 competition. and even through all of this i still wanted to race well, and didn't intend on throwing away an opportunity to race. warmed up only 10 minutes to try and alleviate some of the heat, and did minimal striders and drills. this didn't bother me much as i'm not a big fan of those anyway. didn't think too hard about what i was going to do as far as pace, but knew around 72 was where i wanted to be. knew the race would kind of go out fast, and of course it did. i went out the first 200 in 35, and i was pretty far back in the pack. i slowed down the next lap a bit, mostly because i was concerned about going out way too hard, and i think it was a good move. i ended up sitting for that next 4, but passed a ton of people on my way to catching ethan in the next 3 which i clicked off pretty well. when i caught him, i think i was a little hesitant to keep going, because i didnt want to die again, and we ended up slowing up a bit for the next 800, and then lap to go and i just let things happen. my form wasn't the greatest and i felt the heat a lot on the last lap, but i pulled it in to get 8th place with ethan just behind me. it was a real good race. coach wasn't yelling splits at me, or i was mostly ignoring them. probably a combination. i think i got back to doing what i should in a race, racing. i didn't know my mile time and the only two time i heard during the race were the 35 first 200, and the 8:31 that someone said when i had 200 to go. ran 9:04. later in the day i caught a glimpse of my splits though, and it wasn't the perfect split race, but who does that anyway? i think that's what i've forgotten. sure i can pace a workout well, and even run a mile fairly even, but once you get up in the races longer than that you can't let a slip up of a second or two break down your race. another race that's given me confidence. did lots of cool down after with some army guys, and then they left us, and we added on. then did our lift, and added on a little more than 10 minutes with ethan and ben and david after. it was satisfying to run this well, given the whole week. the next step is getting back into business for my race. the 5k.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:03:00 6:59 / Mile