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hundreds of 2's

March 30, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

what a workout. somehow it felt like it was much longer than the 20 by 400 I did a few weeks back, and maybe its because the rest was longer, and i did a few more. david ben and chris were all doing the steeple workout for the day, so i had to ride solo on this one. talked to coach briefly before, and she said she wouldn't be able to directly watch me since she owed the steeples her time to really pay attention to their form. but she wanted my to do a hybridization of the 5k/10k workouts. the 5k was 16 times 200 at 3k pace, and the 10k was 24 at 5k pace. basically she just wanted me to do 200s at the 3k pace until i couldn't do them anymore, or i hit 24. i wasn't feeling too great, and the wind was blowing in my face for the home stretch, and it had just rained which made the ground real wet, so i didn't think today would go to well. but i totally underestimated how easy this workout would feel. after doing 4 or 5 at 36, i realized i could just focus myself on trying to keep good form and just letting my legs do what they do. it was a real good workout. i just kept things going and keeping my head on my form kept me from thinking about other things during the workout. my calves were a little destroyed on the cool down. i could tell that tomorrow would be a rough day. oh well. got it done. rest was jog. from the finish to the 200 start, but straight across the field. ended up being about a 1:15 jog as the workout went. hit mostly 35's, with some 36's early and a few 34's and 33's to end it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:03:00 6:59 / Mile