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kick it

April 18, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

400 kicker workout. felt pretty shitty the whole time. its just how this week has been. i've been a little tired, but hopefully the lower mileage and easier next week and a half allow me to recover. this was meant to be the last "hard" workout before conference. coach told me to hit 74's for each one. the workout didnt seem too hard beforehand, but i ran pretty hard. haven't felt this taxed in a workout in a while. just beat. i think i was also kicking faster than i remember doing it last year, but it was good, because i'll need to not get kicked down by anyone if i'm running at conference, and have potential to score. at 8 or 9 coach said i looked tired and needed to correct my form. after i finished the workout she said that i definitely looked better after she mentioned it, so i just need to be aware of that on race day. did the first 6 solo, then chris wade jumped in on 7, he got there late because of class. got an easy workout on friday. we are going to do "something fun". last year we did a 10k relay this week, so maybe we'll do it again this year.

74 73 73 73 73 74 73 72 72 71 72 70

i've felt like poop all week, but my knee's been behaving, so its not all bad. i still don't really have a definite answer from coach whether or not i'm going to conference, and i'm starting to get a little worried. i guess i kind of forgot until i said it to someone at some point this week, but chris wade didnt get to go last year, and he ran just 4 seconds slower than i have. i never considered myself a guarantee, but i was hopeful after my last two meets. i dont want to run the 10k there. i'll do it if i have to but its far from ideal. i don't know if my legs can make it, especially the way i've felt this week, and i just want to run the 5k so bad. i'm just getting a little worried. also saw kristen on crutches when i got back to veale :(. she looked really sad and i wish i could have said something to make her feel better. it just made this week a little more depressing. i've just not been in the greatest mood. hopefully friday's fun thing makes me a bit more chipper, and i'm going home for the weekend to see my friend matt mizer race the county meet at our high school, and possibly my other friend justin race at walsh. and i'm going to run with my friend cody who goes to mount on sunday.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 39:00 6:30 / Mile