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May 17, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran to warrensville. figured mercer would be late again today, and i wanted to get my long run for the week in today, so i headed out on my own. went out to warrensville. i felt pretty crappy the first half. i wore a half zip, that probably wasnt necessary but it was cooler than the past few days, and at least a t shirt was necessary, so it could have been worse. i felt much better on my way back though. i probably considerably negative split this run, and i guess thats pretty good. nice to finish better than i felt at the beginning. to be honest, last two miles were probably about 6:15ish. i was thinking about the 5k at conference. i still can't let go how i should have been in that race. i'm happy with how the 10k went, but i would have felt much better if i had run the 5k. even if i didnt score, it would have been the perfect race for me. i think i'd proven with the two races before it, i can race. not just run a time, but adapt to the current circumstances. i couldnt really do that in the 10k, because i'd never run one before then! to put it in perspective, its like putting a 100 meter runner in the 400. sure, the 100 guy would be fast, but his first 400 he's not going to know how to handle it. its just bugging me a bit still. i'll let it go eventually.

balled with chris chris and steve at 7. they all won a total of 3 games. i won 1. awesome. haha, it was so much fun though.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.74 Miles 58:44 6:43 / Mile