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talk show host

May 29, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran over to the house to pick up david for a run after work. it was pretty hot again, but i did a better job of hydrating during work. just went around the second lake from the house. we talked about a bunch of things. i feel like i was very talkative on this run. maybe a little too talkative, especially towards the end haha. sorry david. i just have been thinking a lot about how things have changed. i talked the last part of the run about my high school coach leaving our high school, and its not really that big of a deal for me i guess, since he's not my coach any more, its just real weird. he played a big role in my decision to come to case, and it had nothing to do with running here. and he was pretty much a second father to me. it's just going to weird to go home, and go to his office at the high school and not just be able to sit and talk to him for a few hours. oh well. thats my thoughts of the day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.54 Miles 1:03:44 6:40 / Mile